Legal Disclaimer
Contact Details:
Corporate Information
Free phone:
0800 881 8148
01952 580902
0800 881 8148
01952 580902
Equity Access Limited is registered in England.
Registered number 05268248.
Registered office: Culzean House, The Keep, Ironbridge, Shropshire, TF75NN
Legal Representation
Equity Access Limited is not a regulated or licensed financial advisor or investment company and does not attempt to act in this way. Any and all information provided by Equity access Ltd should be treated as general public available information and should never be treated as giving specific advice or recommendations to purchase specific properties.
While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, Equity Access Limited accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from its use.

Customer feedback
Any feedback received may be used to promote and market our organisation. Any quotes or comments received may be used either in part or in full along with the sender's name only. No other details about the sender will be disclosed.
The website is strictly copyright and reproduction of the whole or part of it in any form is prohibited without written permission.
Personal Information
Any personal information provided to Equity Access Limited will be managed with care and will not be used in way that you have not consented to. Some information will be used to contact you with details of various properties available.